In Between Dreams

A blog by Ritul Jain


  • The Three Faces of Software Development

    In this insightful exploration of the software development landscape, we delve into three distinct categories of developers: The Traditional Software Developer, The Cloud Whisperer, and The Researching Developer. Each role offers unique challenges and opportunities, reflecting the diverse and evolving nature of the tech industry. Discover where you fit in this dynamic field.

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  • The “20 year” Rule

    Life is about playing the long game. From 25-35, we mold habits that define our future. Fitness in your 50s or wealth at 45 starts with choices made in your 20s. Embrace the journey, focus on your path, and remember it’s okay to make mistakes.

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  • What I’ve Been Up To: A Two-Month Recap

    It’s been a whirlwind couple of months filled with exciting milestones and a few challenges. From launching my art portfolio and getting my first gallery exhibit to completing 1000 miles on my bike and advancing in my career, it’s been quite a journey. Check out the full update!

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  • The Snowball of Success: Unpacking the ‘Matthew Effect’ from ‘Outliers’

    In this insightful exploration of Malcolm Gladwell’s “Outliers,” we delve into the ‘Matthew Effect’—a phenomenon illustrating how small advantages can snowball into significant disparities. This post discusses its implications on personal success and societal equity, urging mindfulness towards leveraging opportunities and striving for a fairer world for all.

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  • Cheers to Crushing Goals: 100km Celebration!

    100 kilometers conquered in February! It wasn’t always easy, but breaking the challenge into manageable runs and celebrating each victory kept me going. My pace even improved from 7:33 to 6:59 per kilometer! This journey taught me the power of self-belief and consistency. What are you waiting for? Start chasing your own goals, one step…

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  • The 100K Challenge: February’s Run Habit

    February’s 100K challenge unfolds in 20 dynamic 5K runs, targeting 25-30K each week. Witnessing promising progress, I’ve embraced a game-changer—podcasts during runs. Unveiling life and financial insights, it’s a dual journey of physical and mental empowerment, making each stride a step toward holistic well-being.

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  • ¡Aprender Español! My First Habit of the Year

    The experience of encountering a language barrier while traveling sparked a realization of the power of language. In 2024, I resolve to learn Spanish not just for communication, but to deepen connections and enhance travel experiences. Using Duolingo as a learning tool, I look forward to the journey of language acquisition and personal growth.

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  • What do i want to do in 2024?

    In 2023, I roamed the globe, transformed into a storyteller. In 2024, I strive for consistency with my ‘Book of Habits.’ Each month, a new pursuit, 21 days of dedication. Through these small steps, I’ll build lasting habits and embrace the journey ahead. Cheers to progress and self-discovery!

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  • From Discovery to Mastery: 2023’s Journey Forward

    Reflecting on a transformative 2023, I navigated extensive travels, embraced healthier habits, and learned valuable life lessons. As I look forward to 2024, I’m excited to dive deeper into meditation, investments, and music, expand my professional network, and continue my journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Join me as I explore what lies ahead!

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  • Elevate Your Scent – A Guide to Perfume Types for Lasting Fragrance

    Dive into the alluring world of fragrances with my comprehensive guide. Learn about the different types of perfumes, from the luxurious Parfum to the refreshing Eau Fraiche. Find out how to select the perfect scent for every occasion, enhancing your personal style and leaving a memorable impression wherever you go.

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